Importance of Early Childhood Education – How it’s done at NPS?

In yesteryears, the ideology of early childhood education for our little ones was not given much importance. Early childhood education primarily meant to be the time spent at home by playing, listening to stories, how to handle a pencil, read and write their ABCs. But in the recent decade, we can see the concept of early childhood education has developed so much and the young parents have a clear understanding of the need and importance of Early Childhood Education.

Make your child school-ready! Let’s try to understand more about how this Early Childhood Education helps in developing our children and makes them into well-balanced adults ready for the world.

Early Childhood Education
Early childhood refers to the period from birth to 8 years old, and it is the crucial time for the significant growth of the child. During this phase brain development of the child is at its peak and is also considered to be highly sensitive to the environment around them. It is the time where a child tends to learn the key skills and foundational concepts which have positive outcomes on their learning experiences and prepare them for later life. Beginning with numeracy, literacy, and critical thinking early childhood education is always focused on the social-emotional skills of the child to prepare them for future academic success.

Importance of ECE
Early childhood education aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. Education given in early childhood shapes the future of Child’s life by helping them in mental and academic development. It is the most crucial time in children’s lives because, it is when they first learn how to interact with others, including peers, teachers, and parents. During this period children learn critical social and emotional skills which lead to the formation of a partnership between the child, their parents, and the teacher. Some of the children even begin to develop interests that will stay with them throughout their lives. When children are educated properly during their early years it lays a strong foundation for them to build a successful future. It is very essential to understand the need for early childhood education as it affects the growth of the child.

Benefits of Early Childhood Education
The seed for social development should be sowed in early childhood. Early childhood education provides an opportunity for children to meet other people of similar age which helps in inducing socialization and friendship in their minds. Early education also helps children to learn sharing, usage of respectful language, and cooperation with guidance from professionals in a safe environment. Personality development is a very important aspect of everyone’s life and the foundation for every aspect of personality such as social, emotional, mental, and physical should be laid in early childhood. Early childhood education plays a vital role in the holistic development of a child and the teachers will be well trained to identify all the aspects where a child is weak and encourage them to overcome their weakness through practical sessions. Early childhood education develops emotional skills like self-respect, self-confidence, and self-belief in children and these skills help them in activities like problem-solving and risk-taking. Early education overlaps with a child’s development of physical coordination, gross and fine motor skills, regular exercise, balanced eating, and washing hands. Children who are exposed to early education develop a curiosity for learning and when they are taught in a fun and exciting way the curiosity and enthusiasm for learning will remain with them throughout their lives. The environment provided in early education programs helps children to understand the concept of respect not just with their peers but also with the environment around them.

How it’s done at NPS?
At NPS we go with the notion that every child is unique and special, we take all the necessary measures to ensure the Safety and Happiness of the child, “we care as much as you”. As part of the Early Childhood Education program, we provide an environment that promotes free expression, enjoyment with focused attention towards developing the individual talents of every child. Our Teachers are trained to encourage, support, and introduce the child to various projects which will spark their imagination and engage every child’s creative mind. We groom the students to be self-reliant and responsible, with a focus on developing the core skills like Listening & Speaking, Reading Readiness, Language and Literature, Creative Expression, Nature Experience, Playing & Games, Social Behavior, Practical skills, Gross & Fine Motor Skills, Number counting, Rhymes & Music, etc.

Every child is unique and takes the learning in its phase. Let’s encourage our children to explore and make them understand the language they can communicate. Let’s make them learn the art of giving and sharing. Also, we must be patient enough to answer all their innumerable ‘Whys’ even on those long tiring days. Let’s make them emotionally independent individuals by sharing those bundles of love and laughter with them.